Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 14:24:09 UTC
Madame Gogu proudly demonstrated her prowess at *snitching* to the Police &
filing ISP abuse reports in her post yesterday
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )
In other words, Anti-semetic "Death Threats" - *Threats Against Life*
From: "gogu" ***
Message-ID: <b6l772$p82$***>
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")
If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of the sneaky hypocritical
*supergrass* NAZI Gogu SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here
AND as for *Criminally Racist Material * our vile *snitching* troll is
equally famed for her racist hate speech against Muslims, Macedonians,
Bulgarians, Turks and The Republic of Turkey
See Two Thousand Five Hundred such examples here
What a fucked up Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITE you are gogu,
smugly pretending to be such a good little citizen that is SO concerned
about percieved threats against fellow wannabe greekling "duh'rian" that she
simply *has* to take extensive action ; o )
If you are so concerned about death threats and racist hate speech why
didn't hand yourself into Thessaloniki police and report your own usenet
abuses to YEARS ago ? Hmmmm ?
Now take a look at the REAL death threats
Her GIMPY friend Duh'whorian "Westie" dog has made EXPLICIT & graphic death
threats in the very same thread
From: "Dorian West" <***>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <40bc2e42$0$31680$***>
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680
No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give him
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.
AND this chestnut :
From: Dorian West (***
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek, alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Date: 2004-05-31 05:52:52 PST
Message-ID: <40bb2aa2$0$3035$***>
"DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have just
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.
Has Hypocritical gogu *grassed* on Dorian to his ISP ?
Has she *Snitched* to the South Melbourne division of Victoria police about
Gimpy Duhrians threats to shoot a man in the belly and watch him "slow
bleed" ?
Of course she hasn't
Why ?
Because she's a scum-sucking, two-faced, sneaky *snitchy* little RACIST sow,
who thinks her putrid double standards go un-noticed
We see the TRUE you Gogu, and it's left an audit trail in the usenet
archives for all of history to witness, don't even TRY to wrap yourself up
in a fake cloak of respectability, your fake cloak is blatantly TRANSPARENT
So folks, how many of you would like to present that EVIDENCE to Gogu's ISP
& Her Local Police in Thessaloniki Greece ?
; o )
filing ISP abuse reports in her post yesterday
His days are numbered!
Your report has now been recorded and was assigned the following reference
REPORT ID: *****
Category: Criminally Racist Material - Threats Against Life
Internet Location: Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Help Needed
She herself is infamous for her screams of "Moarte Jidanilor !" ( Litterally-----------
Your report has now been recorded and was assigned the following reference
REPORT ID: *****
Category: Criminally Racist Material - Threats Against Life
Internet Location: Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Help Needed
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )
In other words, Anti-semetic "Death Threats" - *Threats Against Life*
From: "gogu" ***
Message-ID: <b6l772$p82$***>
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")
If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of the sneaky hypocritical
*supergrass* NAZI Gogu SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here
AND as for *Criminally Racist Material * our vile *snitching* troll is
equally famed for her racist hate speech against Muslims, Macedonians,
Bulgarians, Turks and The Republic of Turkey
See Two Thousand Five Hundred such examples here
What a fucked up Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITE you are gogu,
smugly pretending to be such a good little citizen that is SO concerned
about percieved threats against fellow wannabe greekling "duh'rian" that she
simply *has* to take extensive action ; o )
If you are so concerned about death threats and racist hate speech why
didn't hand yourself into Thessaloniki police and report your own usenet
abuses to YEARS ago ? Hmmmm ?
Now take a look at the REAL death threats
Her GIMPY friend Duh'whorian "Westie" dog has made EXPLICIT & graphic death
threats in the very same thread
From: "Dorian West" <***>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <40bc2e42$0$31680$***>
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680
No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give him
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.
AND this chestnut :
From: Dorian West (***
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek, alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Date: 2004-05-31 05:52:52 PST
Message-ID: <40bb2aa2$0$3035$***>
"DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have just
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.
Has Hypocritical gogu *grassed* on Dorian to his ISP ?
Has she *Snitched* to the South Melbourne division of Victoria police about
Gimpy Duhrians threats to shoot a man in the belly and watch him "slow
bleed" ?
Of course she hasn't
Why ?
Because she's a scum-sucking, two-faced, sneaky *snitchy* little RACIST sow,
who thinks her putrid double standards go un-noticed
We see the TRUE you Gogu, and it's left an audit trail in the usenet
archives for all of history to witness, don't even TRY to wrap yourself up
in a fake cloak of respectability, your fake cloak is blatantly TRANSPARENT
So folks, how many of you would like to present that EVIDENCE to Gogu's ISP
& Her Local Police in Thessaloniki Greece ?
; o )