KOTM "Election"
(too old to reply)
2003-11-14 01:51:24 UTC
Why not admit why you came after me and started calling
me a pedo? You
know, I was a third party in your "sue/outer" fiasco
that you, jason,
jet, and OI were having a go at. I stated "saying sue
is not outing" at
which time you began your attempt to run me off usenet.
Oh, such drama! Surely there must be other things in your
life you could
be doing with your time.
You are welcome to your opinion. However, if I felt I
needed an opinion from you I would of hit you over the head
to get it.
Did that post hurt your tender feelings, Dooslop?
No, did it hurt yours?
Why do you want to hit Philip over the head, Dooslop?
Apparently Philip was talking to you and I took it as he was
talking to me. *shrug* Mistakes will happen, if Philip was that
upset I'm sure he would have replied back.
Careful making enemies now, they could wind up voting for you
this month.
Dean/soapy, only you have enemies on Usenet, I don't.
Nominate him for November KotM, it's the right thing to do.
Why? Still pissed that the dean/soapy nomination of Dowap
didn't work out?
Why do you continue to obsess over Soapy, k00k?
Soapy, dean, means the same thing. Cuts down on my posts.
Is the Spaniel not in heat anymore?
I don't own a spaniel. I have a Great Dane/Black Lab mix who is
neutered and a Golden Retriever that is spade.
Unless she's a garden tool, you mean "spayed", Duhhhslop.
Yet another fuck-up from UseNet's Idiot of the Ages.
Do you think it surprises anyone?

So what does dean/soapy have a degree in?
What does dean/soapy do for a living?
Why is dean/soapy so fat?
Why did dean/soapy sock up to nominate people for KoTM?
Why does soapy/dean threaten to call posters place of employment?
Why does soapy/dean talk so much about pedophillia?
Why does soapy/dean talk so much about animals?

Could it be the very same reason dean/soapy won Kook of The Month for
2003-11-14 01:58:23 UTC
Post by Dowap
Why not admit why you came after me and started
calling me a pedo? You
know, I was a third party in your "sue/outer"
fiasco that you, jason,
jet, and OI were having a go at. I stated "saying
sue is not outing" at
which time you began your attempt to run me off usenet.
Oh, such drama! Surely there must be other things
in your life you could
be doing with your time.
You are welcome to your opinion. However, if I felt I
needed an opinion from you I would of hit you over
the head to get it.
Did that post hurt your tender feelings, Dooslop?
No, did it hurt yours?
Why do you want to hit Philip over the head, Dooslop?
Apparently Philip was talking to you and I took it as he was
talking to me. *shrug* Mistakes will happen, if Philip was
that upset I'm sure he would have replied back.
Careful making enemies now, they could wind up voting for
you this month.
Dean/soapy, only you have enemies on Usenet, I don't.
Nominate him for November KotM, it's the right thing to do.
Why? Still pissed that the dean/soapy nomination of Dowap
didn't work out?
Why do you continue to obsess over Soapy, k00k?
Soapy, dean, means the same thing. Cuts down on my posts.
Is the Spaniel not in heat anymore?
I don't own a spaniel. I have a Great Dane/Black Lab mix who
is neutered and a Golden Retriever that is spade.
Unless she's a garden tool, you mean "spayed", Duhhhslop.
Yet another fuck-up from UseNet's Idiot of the Ages.
Do you think it surprises anyone?
So what does dean/soapy have a degree in?
What does dean/soapy do for a living?
Why is dean/soapy so fat?
Why did dean/soapy sock up to nominate people for KoTM?
Why does soapy/dean threaten to call posters place of employment?
Why does soapy/dean talk so much about pedophillia?
Why does soapy/dean talk so much about animals?
Could it be the very same reason dean/soapy won Kook of The Month
for October?
You seem more than a tad confused, Duhslop. Looks like that kook
nomination of yours has you all in a tizzy.
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Smeeter #30-something '-------------'`
2003-11-14 11:04:01 UTC
Post by Dowap
Why not admit why you came after me and started calling
me a pedo? You
know, I was a third party in your "sue/outer" fiasco
that you, jason,
jet, and OI were having a go at. I stated "saying sue
is not outing" at
which time you began your attempt to run me off usenet.
Oh, such drama! Surely there must be other things in your
life you could
be doing with your time.
You are welcome to your opinion. However, if I felt I
needed an opinion from you I would of hit you over the head
to get it.
Did that post hurt your tender feelings, Dooslop?
No, did it hurt yours?
Why do you want to hit Philip over the head, Dooslop?
Apparently Philip was talking to you and I took it as he was
talking to me. *shrug* Mistakes will happen, if Philip was that
upset I'm sure he would have replied back.
Careful making enemies now, they could wind up voting for you
this month.
Dean/soapy, only you have enemies on Usenet, I don't.
Nominate him for November KotM, it's the right thing to do.
Why? Still pissed that the dean/soapy nomination of Dowap
didn't work out?
Why do you continue to obsess over Soapy, k00k?
Soapy, dean, means the same thing. Cuts down on my posts.
Is the Spaniel not in heat anymore?
I don't own a spaniel. I have a Great Dane/Black Lab mix who is
neutered and a Golden Retriever that is spade.
Unless she's a garden tool, you mean "spayed", Duhhhslop.
Yet another fuck-up from UseNet's Idiot of the Ages.
Do you think it surprises anyone?
So what does dean/soapy
What does dean/soapy
Why is dean/soapy
Why did dean/soapy
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
So what does dean/soapy
What does dean/soapy
What does dean/soapy
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
Why does soapy/dean
So what does dean/soapy
What does dean/soapy
Obsess much, Pederast?

Cujo *outs* the AUK HiveMind!:

From: Cujo <***@petitmorte.newt>
Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: Ping Phoenix
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 13:16:12 -0000
Post by Dowap
I guess I don't deserve any groups, Jismjaws?
Not one. We who have those groups made by Biff think of it as a
compliment, considering the source.
Gee, I didn't know I was talking to the S00per Sekrit Eleet Queen of
the Newsgroups. Better not let ChewBecca and Henrietta find out.
In other words, you miss a lot, since all you focus on is Wollmann
or the occasional defense of Gary.
Gee, I wasn't aware I was missing a whole lot other than the same old
whining. I also don't get "rogue" groups either, so I guess it's not
much of a loss. I do recall when alt.flame had some creative posters,
but that might as well be a century ago.
Post by Dowap
Try to do a bettter job naming mine. The ones for Phoenix suck.
That's stupid, even for you. Are you the only person in AUK, AdotF
and the Flonk who doesn't know what Biff does?
I must be the only one who didn't find out you were such an icon of
Usenet. When did it happen?
What does that have to do with you not even knowing why you voted
I voted for Biff? Oh well. You keep forgetting this is entertainment.
I don't really care who Biff is. I just assumed it was a lame variant of
the Usenet Legend B1FF given the award this character was eligible


Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Official TruKook(tm) as certified by Ed Wollmann. Meow.
THERE TO STIR SHIT UP!!!!" - Edmo the calm.

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