Butch Ricker
22 years ago
"me" <***@here.com> wrote in message news:7Z0Ia.1307$***@nwrddc03.gnilink.net...
Subject: Stop Whinging
Unless I'm mistaken it is our right in this country to say what we like. Is
there a law that says we have to like Blacks, not dislike them. Just look at
the way they act and go on about slavery and always have a chip on their
shoulder. White people owe them something, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah it goes on and on, and we are all goddamned, cocksucking, motherfucking
sick of their whining fucking bullshit. If they don't like it here why don't
they motherfuck off somewhere else. they always complain, but what would
they be doing now if their ancestors were not taken away from Africa? They
would be a lot worse off, believe me. OK, their ancestors went through a
tough time, but whinging about it a hundred years or more later is not going
to solve a damn thing. I'll give you an example; My wife is a manager for a
big chain of stores, and she said that 99% of the stealing that goes on at
her store is done by blacks, and whenever the staff catch them stealing,
they get called racist. Every day they get blacks stealing their
merchandise, and either running out of the store with it, or trying to take
it to the register for a refund. As soon as they are challenged about
stealing, they come up with the old lame excuse ' You're treating me like
this because I'm Black' No, it's because you are a thieving bastard who
can't keep his/her hands to himself/herself. This Black girl came in the
other day,and my wife saw her stealing stuff from the shelf, and then she
tried to return it but she didnt have the receipt(Oh please!), so she told
her that she saw her take it from the shelf, and confiscated the item from
her. She followed her round the back of the counter and began to threaten
her, calling her a racist bitch and all that shitpointing in her fucking
face. They are now going to prosecute that fucking Black girl. The police
turn up every time, and its usually the same officer from the Mall Police,
and he knows exactly what he is going to see when he gets there. And then
they wonder why people don't like them, with an attitude like that!! If
Blacks don't want to be stereotyped this way, then they should change their
ways so that people have no reason to complain about their actions. I'm
going to get you shitpointed in your fucking faces! Better shitpoint all
Blacks in their fucking faces! I'm the one who shitpoints Blacks in their
fucking faces! She called her a racist bitch and she shitpointed her in her
fucking face. Why do you always whing all the time?
I'd like your thoughts on this too.
Subject: Stop Whinging
Unless I'm mistaken it is our right in this country to say what we like. Is
there a law that says we have to like Blacks, not dislike them. Just look at
the way they act and go on about slavery and always have a chip on their
shoulder. White people owe them something, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah it goes on and on, and we are all goddamned, cocksucking, motherfucking
sick of their whining fucking bullshit. If they don't like it here why don't
they motherfuck off somewhere else. they always complain, but what would
they be doing now if their ancestors were not taken away from Africa? They
would be a lot worse off, believe me. OK, their ancestors went through a
tough time, but whinging about it a hundred years or more later is not going
to solve a damn thing. I'll give you an example; My wife is a manager for a
big chain of stores, and she said that 99% of the stealing that goes on at
her store is done by blacks, and whenever the staff catch them stealing,
they get called racist. Every day they get blacks stealing their
merchandise, and either running out of the store with it, or trying to take
it to the register for a refund. As soon as they are challenged about
stealing, they come up with the old lame excuse ' You're treating me like
this because I'm Black' No, it's because you are a thieving bastard who
can't keep his/her hands to himself/herself. This Black girl came in the
other day,and my wife saw her stealing stuff from the shelf, and then she
tried to return it but she didnt have the receipt(Oh please!), so she told
her that she saw her take it from the shelf, and confiscated the item from
her. She followed her round the back of the counter and began to threaten
her, calling her a racist bitch and all that shitpointing in her fucking
face. They are now going to prosecute that fucking Black girl. The police
turn up every time, and its usually the same officer from the Mall Police,
and he knows exactly what he is going to see when he gets there. And then
they wonder why people don't like them, with an attitude like that!! If
Blacks don't want to be stereotyped this way, then they should change their
ways so that people have no reason to complain about their actions. I'm
going to get you shitpointed in your fucking faces! Better shitpoint all
Blacks in their fucking faces! I'm the one who shitpoints Blacks in their
fucking faces! She called her a racist bitch and she shitpointed her in her
fucking face. Why do you always whing all the time?
I'd like your thoughts on this too.