Butch Ricker
2003-06-23 15:49:32 UTC
"Butch Ricker" <***@darientel.net> wrote in message news:VTuJa.395$***@eagle.america.net...
"Jim Harper" <***@blahblah.com> wrote in message news:***@blahblah.com...
To the 13th Warrior
What are you doing sympathising for blacks? Who cares if they are good at
boxing and running, that's about the only thing they're good at. European
man and their descendants living in America etc. have contributed
infinitely more. While the average African tribes person was hunting for
food out in the wild, White man really mastered agriculture. They learnt
how to domesticate animals, crops etc. Every major invention was either
invented by an American or a European. Hmm lets see:
The Transistor (Bell Labs Shockley, Bardeen)
First successful Heart transplant (Christian Bernard)
First car - Daimler and Benz, Henry Ford made the first production car,
Law's of Physics, Chemistry
Silicon Chip (Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce)
Radio - Tesla, Marconi
TV - John Logie Baird
AC Power Distribution - Tesla
Telephone - Alexander Bell
Computer - Pascal, Babbage, Von Neuman
Shit I can go on!!!!
Sorry, the Black race are strong and powerful, but the White race are weak
and powerless. Blacks have defeated Whites. Final score: Blacks, 44 -
Whites, 0.
"Jim Harper" <***@blahblah.com> wrote in message news:***@blahblah.com...
To the 13th Warrior
What are you doing sympathising for blacks? Who cares if they are good at
boxing and running, that's about the only thing they're good at. European
man and their descendants living in America etc. have contributed
infinitely more. While the average African tribes person was hunting for
food out in the wild, White man really mastered agriculture. They learnt
how to domesticate animals, crops etc. Every major invention was either
invented by an American or a European. Hmm lets see:
The Transistor (Bell Labs Shockley, Bardeen)
First successful Heart transplant (Christian Bernard)
First car - Daimler and Benz, Henry Ford made the first production car,
Law's of Physics, Chemistry
Silicon Chip (Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce)
Radio - Tesla, Marconi
TV - John Logie Baird
AC Power Distribution - Tesla
Telephone - Alexander Bell
Computer - Pascal, Babbage, Von Neuman
Shit I can go on!!!!
Sorry, the Black race are strong and powerful, but the White race are weak
and powerless. Blacks have defeated Whites. Final score: Blacks, 44 -
Whites, 0.