The Greeks Say the World Is ... Jealous of Them! Jews Have 22% of All Nobel Prizes (159). Poor Greeks Have ... 2!
(too old to reply)
Yanart Amin Ari
2004-06-03 00:41:03 UTC
Many stupid Greeks up here, who are resisiting like crazy
anything logical, claim that the world is jealous of them.
The Greeks are in the EU. turkey and Israel are not. Greeks belong to
civilized humanity. turks don't. turks and Jews belong to the most hated
people on earth. Not the Greeks.
Now come on, tell us where you're from and we will tell you something
you. We'll be kind, promised! ;-)

Roman, you yourself are a foreigner in exile yet you proudly post this
racist and anti-semite bullshit from Berlin, I was under the impression that
such incitement to racial and religious hatred was a capital crime in your
adopted German home

Am I right ?
2004-06-03 00:53:35 UTC
Post by Yanart Amin Ari
Many stupid Greeks up here, who are resisiting like crazy
anything logical, claim that the world is jealous of them.
The Greeks are in the EU. turkey and Israel are not. Greeks belong to
civilized humanity. turks don't. turks and Jews belong to the most
hated people on earth. Not the Greeks.
Now come on, tell us where you're from and we will tell you something
you. We'll be kind, promised! ;-)
Roman, you yourself are a foreigner in exile yet you proudly post this
racist and anti-semite bullshit from Berlin, I was under the
impression that such incitement to racial and religious hatred was a
capital crime in your adopted German home
Am I right ?
Yes, it is. Check it out:

E. Analysis and Critical Evaluation of Specific Cases

[42] As pointed out by the Federal Constitutional Court, a specific
determination of the appropriateness of hate speech prohibitions can be
based only on the circumstances of individual cases. Some particularly
prominent cases are now reviewed.

I. Insult of Individuals

[43] Hate speech is commonly directed at groups of individuals on the
basis of such unalterable shared characteristics as race, ethnicity, and
gender. However, such speech can also be directed against lone
individuals and still be punishable under criminal law if the verbal
attack meets the definition of insult in § 185 of the Penal Code. If
such an insult is made in public and involves assertions of fact that
sully the honor of a person, then §§ 186 and 187 of the Penal Code
apply. To what degree is honor guaranteed protection in such cases? What
degree and what type of criticism must one tolerate without recourse to
law? To better answer these questions, it is useful to divide the
concept of honor into three levels

"The Arabs cannot accept the existence of Israel. Those who accept it
are not normal. The best solution for the [Palestinian] Arabs in Israel
is to go and live in the Arab states." - David Ben-Gurion
2004-06-03 01:47:25 UTC
Frappe Boy
2004-06-04 13:46:51 UTC
Post by Conquistador
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 12:49:33 UTC
Back where you belong yappie little "Westie" dog www.sci-sonic.com
The murderous Jew Kissinger got the Nobel peace prize. So I guess his many
murders like when he bombed the democratically elected govt. of Chile and
instigated the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, killing both Greek and Turk
alike, is the way to go. If I carpet bomb Turkey and Israel can I get a
Nobel prize to shove up your fat Mongol arse????? That's the sort of joke
Many stupid Greeks up here, who are resisiting like crazy
anything logical, claim that the world is jealous of them.
What a bunch of idiots. Imagine: the Jews have 22%
of all Nobel prizes, 159, and the Greeks have ... 2!
Also, the Jews constitute just .25% of the world's population
and 2% of the US population.
Viva Zapata
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 13:36:06 UTC
Seems, I touched a nerve! Well, well, so you are either a turk or a Jew.
Who'd ever have thought it! <VBG>
Who else but a Mongol Jew or a Mongol Turk would be anti-Greek?? Oh, yeah,
forgot there's that Euro loser and race traitor Killfile who is a
Mongol-fucker. Hehe! He's so desperate for his gook wife not to leave him
he'd do anything including post venomous anti-Greek articles and make
threats on the internet for all to see - you see he's a genius as well.
Hey Duh'rian

You green faced (see www.sci-sonic.com ) racist Braniac

The only true "Death Threats" I've seen lately are from YOU and your skank
hoe Romaneshti racist girlfriend in Selanik, Madame shitty *gogu*

Your own posts from the previous 7 days contained 8 seperate & explicit
"Death Threats" GIMP-bwoy, have you forgotten posting this ?

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <40bc2e42$0$31680$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680

No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give him
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.

Or this ?

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
References: <c9j6an$2kv$***@sparta.btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: Experiment over Seanie. :-))))
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:24:24 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <40bdaae7$0$31677$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1086171880 31677

Does this mean you're not coming to AU to get you just desserts? I thought
so, you gutless, Irish worm. I didn't think you could afford it anyway. No
worries I'm coming to Europe and I can deal with you, your gook wife and
your gooklings.

jj will keep or might just soit on any Paki I come across.

Or this ?

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia,alt.news.cyprus
Subject: Re: True Home Cooking, Greek Style
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 19:12:27 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
Message-ID: <40bcc713$0$1588$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1086113556 1588
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?

I am not bald fuckwit!!!!! I have a crew-cut, the kind you Irish idiots
can't afford. I'll be able to spot you a mile away from the smell and the
unwashed hair. Tell me is the gook wife coming with you??? I want to bitch
slap her as well. Your kids coming?? I want to just do to them what Turks
did to so many children and you can take that any way you want.

Or this ?

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
References: <YLvuc.1447$***@newsfe6-gui.server.ntli.net>
Subject: Re: Help Needed
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 13:55:11 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <40bb2b37$0$8986$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1086008120 8986
I'm not surprised that troll is still here.
He has committed a crime by doing that. You should contact the Federal
DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have just
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.

Or this ?
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?
I think gookfucker = Mongol Henry.
Grouse! I can kill 2 gooks with 1 blow! And it will all be ever so
May even make the 5:00 news.
An improvement on your usual anti-Slav death threats ?

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: alt.news.macedonia
References: <***@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: MACEDONIA
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:18:41 +1100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <400f880c$0$14482$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1074759694 14482


Get ready to be ripped apart my Albanians Mongolslavs and every Greek and
Bulgarian will enjoy watching you slow bleed. You have no friends you
stupid, dumb freaks.

Exposed you again haven't I, HYPOCRITE ! now for your anti-semite beeatch

Madame Gogu is infamous for her screams of "Moarte Jidanilor !" ( Litterally
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )

From: "gogu" ***@yahoo.com
Message-ID: <b6l772$p82$***@usenet.otenet.gr>
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")

If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of sneaky NAZI Gogu
SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here http://tinyurl.com/39nhn

What a fucked up pair of Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITES you
both are, may you both fester together in your seedy little world of HATE !

Dorian West
2004-06-03 14:08:04 UTC
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Seems, I touched a nerve! Well, well, so you are either a turk or a Jew.
Who'd ever have thought it! <VBG>
Who else but a Mongol Jew or a Mongol Turk would be anti-Greek?? Oh, yeah,
forgot there's that Euro loser and race traitor Killfile who is a
Mongol-fucker. Hehe! He's so desperate for his gook wife not to leave him
he'd do anything including post venomous anti-Greek articles and make
threats on the internet for all to see - you see he's a genius as well.
Hey Duh'rian
You green faced (see www.sci-sonic.com ) racist Braniac
The only true "Death Threats" I've seen lately are from YOU and your skank
hoe Romaneshti racist girlfriend in Selanik, Madame shitty *gogu*
Your own posts from the previous 7 days contained 8 seperate & explicit
"Death Threats" GIMP-bwoy, have you forgotten posting this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680
No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give him
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
Subject: Re: Experiment over Seanie. :-))))
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:24:24 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 8
X-Trace: 1086171880 31677
Does this mean you're not coming to AU to get you just desserts? I thought
so, you gutless, Irish worm. I didn't think you could afford it anyway. No
worries I'm coming to Europe and I can deal with you, your gook wife and
your gooklings.
jj will keep or might just soit on any Paki I come across.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia,alt.news.cyprus
Subject: Re: True Home Cooking, Greek Style
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 19:12:27 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-Trace: 1086113556 1588
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?
I am not bald fuckwit!!!!! I have a crew-cut, the kind you Irish idiots
can't afford. I'll be able to spot you a mile away from the smell and the
unwashed hair. Tell me is the gook wife coming with you??? I want to bitch
slap her as well. Your kids coming?? I want to just do to them what Turks
did to so many children and you can take that any way you want.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
Subject: Re: Help Needed
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 13:55:11 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 26
X-Trace: 1086008120 8986
I'm not surprised that troll is still here.
He has committed a crime by doing that. You should contact the Federal
DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have just
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.
Or this ?
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?
I think gookfucker = Mongol Henry.
Grouse! I can kill 2 gooks with 1 blow! And it will all be ever so
May even make the 5:00 news.
An improvement on your usual anti-Slav death threats ?
Newsgroups: alt.news.macedonia
Subject: Re: MACEDONIA
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:18:41 +1100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
Lines: 24
X-Trace: 1074759694 14482
Get ready to be ripped apart my Albanians Mongolslavs and every Greek and
Bulgarian will enjoy watching you slow bleed. You have no friends you
stupid, dumb freaks.
Exposed you again haven't I, HYPOCRITE ! now for your anti-semite beeatch
Madame Gogu is infamous for her screams of "Moarte Jidanilor !" ( Litterally
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")
If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of sneaky NAZI Gogu
SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here http://tinyurl.com/39nhn
What a fucked up pair of Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITES you
both are, may you both fester together in your seedy little world of HATE !
You lousy lying little shit. Those threats are directed at you and are quite
legal in AU as I have spoken to the police WRT you seeking me out and
threatening me The police said they can do nothing until you strike or
attempt to strike, in which case I can legally defend myself with a belly
shot or 2.

This is typical Turkish behaviour, pots calling the kettle black.

Never threatened any Jew either, you're the 1 that threatens people, Jews
included. That's because you haven't the intellectual powers to argue with
gusto, you need to resort to violence, certainly the facts are against you.
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 14:56:14 UTC
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Seems, I touched a nerve! Well, well, so you are either a turk or a
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Who'd ever have thought it! <VBG>
Who else but a Mongol Jew or a Mongol Turk would be anti-Greek?? Oh,
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
forgot there's that Euro loser and race traitor Killfile who is a
Mongol-fucker. Hehe! He's so desperate for his gook wife not to leave
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
he'd do anything including post venomous anti-Greek articles and make
threats on the internet for all to see - you see he's a genius as well.
Hey Duh'rian
You green faced (see www.sci-sonic.com ) racist Braniac
The only true "Death Threats" I've seen lately are from YOU and your skank
hoe Romaneshti racist girlfriend in Selanik, Madame shitty *gogu*
Your own posts from the previous 7 days contained 8 seperate & explicit
"Death Threats" GIMP-bwoy, have you forgotten posting this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680
No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
Subject: Re: Experiment over Seanie. :-))))
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:24:24 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 8
X-Trace: 1086171880 31677
Does this mean you're not coming to AU to get you just desserts? I thought
so, you gutless, Irish worm. I didn't think you could afford it anyway. No
worries I'm coming to Europe and I can deal with you, your gook wife and
your gooklings.
jj will keep or might just soit on any Paki I come across.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.news.macedonia,alt.news.cyprus
Subject: Re: True Home Cooking, Greek Style
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 19:12:27 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-Trace: 1086113556 1588
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?
I am not bald fuckwit!!!!! I have a crew-cut, the kind you Irish idiots
can't afford. I'll be able to spot you a mile away from the smell and the
unwashed hair. Tell me is the gook wife coming with you??? I want to bitch
slap her as well. Your kids coming?? I want to just do to them what Turks
did to so many children and you can take that any way you want.
Or this ?
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
Subject: Re: Help Needed
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 13:55:11 +0100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 26
X-Trace: 1086008120 8986
I'm not surprised that troll is still here.
He has committed a crime by doing that. You should contact the Federal
DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.
Or this ?
The gookfucker Killfile runs away and Mongol Henry appears?
I think gookfucker = Mongol Henry.
Grouse! I can kill 2 gooks with 1 blow! And it will all be ever so
May even make the 5:00 news.
An improvement on your usual anti-Slav death threats ?
Newsgroups: alt.news.macedonia
Subject: Re: MACEDONIA
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:18:41 +1100
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
Lines: 24
X-Trace: 1074759694 14482
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Get ready to be ripped apart my Albanians Mongolslavs and every Greek and
Bulgarian will enjoy watching you slow bleed. You have no friends you
stupid, dumb freaks.
Exposed you again haven't I, HYPOCRITE ! now for your anti-semite beeatch
Madame Gogu is infamous for her screams of "Moarte Jidanilor !" (
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")
If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of sneaky NAZI Gogu
SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here http://tinyurl.com/39nhn
What a fucked up pair of Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITES you
both are, may you both fester together in your seedy little world of
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
You lousy lying little shit. Those threats are directed at you and are quite
legal in AU as I have spoken to the police WRT you seeking me out and
threatening me
Did you get scared "Westie" ? you must have been pretty scared to ask the
police for permission to use your imaginary gun 'ey ?

The police said they can do nothing until you strike or
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
attempt to strike, in which case I can legally defend myself
How is my cousin BTW ?

Hey Duh'rian, the game's up man.................

Madame Gogu proudly demonstrated her prowess at *snitching* to the Police &
filing ISP abuse reports in her post yesterday
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
His days are numbered!
Your report has now been recorded and was assigned the following reference
REPORT ID: *****
Category: Criminally Racist Material - Threats Against Life
Internet Location: Newsgroup
Subject: Re: Help Needed
She herself is infamous for her screams of "Moarte Jidanilor !" ( Litterally
translated from Romanian as "Death to the Yids" )

In other words, Anti-semetic "Death Threats" - *Threats Against Life*

From: "gogu" ***@yahoo.com
Message-ID: <b6l772$p82$***@usenet.otenet.gr>
(Ed.: "Death to the Yids")

If you need to see the other 200 PLUS instances of the sneaky hypocritical
*supergrass* NAZI Gogu SCREAMING "Death to the Yids" click here

AND as for *Criminally Racist Material * our vile *snitching* troll is
equally famed for her racist hate speech against Muslims, Macedonians,
Bulgarians, Turks and The Republic of Turkey

See Two Thousand Five Hundred such examples here http://tinyurl.com/3crgh

What a fucked up Racist, anti-muslim, anti-semite HYPOCRITE you are gogu,
smugly pretending to be such a good little citizen that is SO concerned
about percieved threats against fellow wannabe greekling "duh'rian" that she
simply *has* to take extensive action ; o )

If you are so concerned about death threats and racist hate speech why
didn't hand yourself into Thessaloniki police and report your own usenet
abuses to ote.net YEARS ago ? Hmmmm ?

Now take a look at the REAL death threats

Her GIMPY friend Duh'whorian "Westie" dog has made EXPLICIT & graphic death
threats in the very same thread

From: "Dorian West" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek,alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 08:20:33 +0100
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1409
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1409
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <40bc2e42$0$31680$***@news.optusnet.com.au>
X-Trace: 1086074435 31680

No, no, no. Such a small target is strategically unsound. I'm gonna give him
1 belly shot only so he can slow bleed whilst I tell him what a slimy,
gookfucking loser he was.

AND this chestnut :

From: Dorian West (***@yahoo.com.au)
Subject: Re: The Minorities of Greece
Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek, alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
Date: 2004-05-31 05:52:52 PST
Message-ID: <40bb2aa2$0$3035$***@news.optusnet.com.au>

"DONE! It won't be murder when I "defend" myself against 2 foreigners by
shooting them 53 times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Cop that Mongole. I have just
done the necessary paperwork to legalise your departure.

Has Hypocritical gogu *grassed* on Dorian to his ISP ?

Has she *Snitched* to the South Melbourne division of Victoria police about
Gimpy Duhrians threats to shoot a man in the belly and watch him "slow
bleed" ?

Of course she hasn't

Why ?

Because she's a scum-sucking, two-faced, sneaky *snitchy* little RACIST sow,
who thinks her putrid double standards go un-noticed


We see the TRUE you Gogu, and it's left an audit trail in the usenet
archives for all of history to witness, don't even TRY to wrap yourself up
in a fake cloak of respectability, your fake cloak is blatantly TRANSPARENT

So folks, how many of you would like to present that EVIDENCE to Gogu's ISP
& Her Local Police in Thessaloniki Greece ?

; o )
Jason K. Lambrou
2004-06-03 15:06:09 UTC
Seanie O'Kilfoyle wrote:
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your wife,and your male lover jj
(the toothless paki)
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 15:53:55 UTC
Post by Jason K. Lambrou
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your wife,and your male lover jj
(the toothless paki)
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzt bzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt


What on earth is that annoying buzzing sound ?
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 19:31:33 UTC
Post by Dorian West
This is typical Turkish behaviour, pots calling the kettle black.
So I'm not an "Irish potato head" or a "Mick Cunt" today then ?


Confused little chicken aintcha bwoy, must be the FEAR of your impending
2004-06-03 19:51:37 UTC
Many stupid Greeks up here, who are resisiting like crazy
anything logical, claim that the world is jealous of them.
What a bunch of idiots. Imagine: the Jews have 22%
of all Nobel prizes, 159, and the Greeks have ... 2!
Also, the Jews constitute just .25% of the world's population
and 2% of the US population.
Viva Zapata
That number translates into winning 40x more than should be expected
of them, simply based upon their small population numbers. In the end,
Jews still win more Nobel prizes in medicine and science than any
other ethnicity. Economic jealousy has always fueled anti-Semitism.
Jews are still the wealthiest ethnic group in the US! Success breeds
envy. And Jews have been successful in a way that breeds jealousy. -D,
NYC "One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is how
Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's population,
have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many different
fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business and
more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred
years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx;
all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most
less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an
amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the
centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of
families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the
Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world;
they were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO
(excerpt from "SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME")"
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-03 20:26:08 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO
Was Brando Jewish ?

Surely not
2004-06-04 01:59:21 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO>
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
Dorian West
2004-06-04 06:42:05 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO>
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
This proves Jewish nepotism and favouritism. Are you telling me non-Jews
can't be entertainers??? Yeah, right. This just proves the nefarious methods
they use and why people chase them out in the end.
Seanie O'Kilfoyle
2004-06-04 15:44:49 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO>
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
That was excellent !


But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
2004-06-04 17:03:58 UTC
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO>
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
That was excellent !
But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
Is this going anywhere?

Ok, let me ask as well.

What about John Wayne, Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis
jnr., Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis?
2004-06-05 00:08:35 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
That was excellent !
But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
Glad you enjoyed!eheh As for Whoopie? Often assumed, but not Jewish!
continued below...
Post by d***@aol.com
Is this going anywhere?>
Ok, let me ask as well.>
What about John Wayne, Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis
jnr., Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis?
As the YID of TID, it is my sworn duty to inform you on who's Jewish
(eh): Jerry Lewis (b. Jerome Levitch), Elvis's great-great grandmother
was Jewish, and Sammy D converted to Judaism. The rest are not Jewish.
Bottom line: for every one Gentile entertainer that you name, I can
match it with one of equal or greater stature!ehehe Therein lies the
absurdity in listing non-Jewish entertainers. If anything, you prove
the disproportionate greatness that has always been synonymous with
the Jewish people. Jews are so few in number, yet so great in
ability!! Jews comprise so few of the world's population, yet so many
of its successes! -D, NYC "1/3 of all American multimillionaires are
tallied as Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest
Americans are Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American
populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000)
2004-06-05 01:38:58 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers to
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman, first
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes on
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") & Stella
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was Jewish
That was excellent !
But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
Glad you enjoyed!eheh As for Whoopie? Often assumed, but not Jewish!
continued below...
Post by d***@aol.com
Is this going anywhere?>
Ok, let me ask as well.>
What about John Wayne, Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis
jnr., Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis?
As the YID of TID, it is my sworn duty to inform you on who's Jewish
(eh): Jerry Lewis (b. Jerome Levitch), Elvis's great-great grandmother
was Jewish, and Sammy D converted to Judaism. The rest are not Jewish.
Bottom line: for every one Gentile entertainer that you name, I can
match it with one of equal or greater stature!ehehe Therein lies the
absurdity in listing non-Jewish entertainers. If anything, you prove
the disproportionate greatness that has always been synonymous with
the Jewish people. Jews are so few in number, yet so great in
ability!! Jews comprise so few of the world's population, yet so many
of its successes! -D, NYC "1/3 of all American multimillionaires are
tallied as Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest
Americans are Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American
populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000)
The reason for my posting all of the names above, Jewish and non-Jewish
darrint68 was that I was expecting you to answer as you did. That was so I
could say *exactly darint68, exactly. They are all Americans. What different
does it make if they are Jewish or not.*

There are films that I've enjoyed which starred Jewish actors/actresses and
again films that I enjoyed which starred non-Jewish actors/actresses. I do
not go to see a film considering whether it stars Jewish or non-Jewish
actors/actresses. I go to see a film to enjoy it. I don't even care if the
(hi)story is accurate or not. I know that it is only supposed to be
entertaining and not educational. I also know that it is only a money making
machine. I just want to go there and forget the world exists for 90 minutes
or so.

If the Jewish people have been successful in that or any other line of
business all I can say is good luck to them. If anyone works hard enough
they too can achieve their goal.

So like I asked before, is this going anywhere?
Jason K. Lambrou
2004-06-05 03:28:42 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman,
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") &
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
That was excellent !
But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
Glad you enjoyed!eheh As for Whoopie? Often assumed, but not Jewish!
continued below...
Post by d***@aol.com
Is this going anywhere?>
Ok, let me ask as well.>
What about John Wayne, Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis
jnr., Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis?
As the YID of TID, it is my sworn duty to inform you on who's Jewish
(eh): Jerry Lewis (b. Jerome Levitch), Elvis's great-great grandmother
was Jewish, and Sammy D converted to Judaism. The rest are not Jewish.
Bottom line: for every one Gentile entertainer that you name, I can
match it with one of equal or greater stature!ehehe Therein lies the
absurdity in listing non-Jewish entertainers. If anything, you prove
the disproportionate greatness that has always been synonymous with
the Jewish people. Jews are so few in number, yet so great in
ability!! Jews comprise so few of the world's population, yet so many
of its successes! -D, NYC "1/3 of all American multimillionaires are
tallied as Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest
Americans are Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American
populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000)
The reason for my posting all of the names above, Jewish and non-Jewish
darrint68 was that I was expecting you to answer as you did. That was so I
could say *exactly darint68, exactly. They are all Americans. What different
does it make if they are Jewish or not.*
There are films that I've enjoyed which starred Jewish actors/actresses and
again films that I enjoyed which starred non-Jewish actors/actresses. I do
not go to see a film considering whether it stars Jewish or non-Jewish
actors/actresses. I go to see a film to enjoy it. I don't even care if the
(hi)story is accurate or not. I know that it is only supposed to be
entertaining and not educational. I also know that it is only a money making
machine. I just want to go there and forget the world exists for 90 minutes
or so.
If the Jewish people have been successful in that or any other line of
business all I can say is good luck to them. If anyone works hard enough
they too can achieve their goal.
So like I asked before, is this going anywhere?
You sound very proud of your people Jacob Jewvlakas good for you
you could pass for human in another twenty years keep working on it
2004-06-05 23:49:59 UTC
Post by Jason K. Lambrou
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
their children survived and Jews became by far the most
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Was Brando Jewish ?> Surely not>>
Sean, he need not be when we have so many great Jewish entertainers
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
choose from: Woody Allen (b. Konigsberg) to Jerry Seinfeld, from
Dustin Hoffman to Richard Dreyfuss, from Kirk Douglas (b. Issur
Danielovitch Demsky) to Edward G. Robinson (b. Emannuel Goldenberg),
from Gene Hackman to Harvey Keitel, from Theda Bara (b. Goodman,
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
sex symbol in movie history) to Lauren Bacall (b. Perske), from The
Three Stooges (b. Horowitz, Feinberg) to The Marx Brothers, from
Barbra Streisand to Bette Midler, from George Burns (b. Nathan
Birnbaum) to Milton Berle (b. Berlinger), from George & Ira Gershwin
(greatest pop songwriters of all-time) to Simon & Garfunkel, from
Harrison Ford (mother is Jewish) to Steven Spielberg, the list goes
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
and on. A list from the very religion that created one of the most
powerful mediums in the world - Hollywood. If I sat here and listed
every Jewish entertainer and notable, we'd be here for an eternity!
Incidental note: Lee Strasberg (sweet Jew - "Actors Studio") &
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
Adler (sweet Jew) taught Brando how to act! ehe A "method" that was
founded by Stanislavski - also Jewish. Without him, there is no
Brando, no Actors Studio, no method, no nothing!! Like it or not, it
doesn't take an EINSTEIN (sweet Jew - greatest mind of the 20th
century) to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
population. There is no great MITZVAH there! Jews comprise a measly
1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and have still managed to
disproportionately excel in every field of human endeavor. -D, NYC
"The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize was
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Seanie O'Kilfoyle
Post by d***@aol.com
That was excellent !
But what about Whoopie Goldberg ?
Glad you enjoyed!eheh As for Whoopie? Often assumed, but not Jewish!
continued below...
Post by d***@aol.com
Is this going anywhere?>
Ok, let me ask as well.>
What about John Wayne, Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis
jnr., Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis?
As the YID of TID, it is my sworn duty to inform you on who's Jewish
(eh): Jerry Lewis (b. Jerome Levitch), Elvis's great-great grandmother
was Jewish, and Sammy D converted to Judaism. The rest are not Jewish.
Bottom line: for every one Gentile entertainer that you name, I can
match it with one of equal or greater stature!ehehe Therein lies the
absurdity in listing non-Jewish entertainers. If anything, you prove
the disproportionate greatness that has always been synonymous with
the Jewish people. Jews are so few in number, yet so great in
ability!! Jews comprise so few of the world's population, yet so many
of its successes! -D, NYC "1/3 of all American multimillionaires are
tallied as Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest
Americans are Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American
populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000)
The reason for my posting all of the names above, Jewish and non-Jewish
darrint68 was that I was expecting you to answer as you did. That was so I
could say *exactly darint68, exactly. They are all Americans. What different
does it make if they are Jewish or not.*
There are films that I've enjoyed which starred Jewish actors/actresses and
again films that I enjoyed which starred non-Jewish actors/actresses. I do
not go to see a film considering whether it stars Jewish or non-Jewish
actors/actresses. I go to see a film to enjoy it. I don't even care if the
(hi)story is accurate or not. I know that it is only supposed to be
entertaining and not educational. I also know that it is only a money making
machine. I just want to go there and forget the world exists for 90 minutes
or so.
If the Jewish people have been successful in that or any other line of
business all I can say is good luck to them. If anyone works hard enough
they too can achieve their goal.
So like I asked before, is this going anywhere?
You sound very proud of your people Jacob Jewvlakas good for you
you could pass for human in another twenty years keep working on it
Ôé íá ðåé êáíåßò; Œôé, ÷Üñéí Ïëõìðéáêþí, ìåôÜ ôç äéáðñá÷èåßóá áóÝâåéá óôïí
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Dorian West
2004-06-04 06:40:22 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Many stupid Greeks up here, who are resisiting like crazy
anything logical, claim that the world is jealous of them.
What a bunch of idiots. Imagine: the Jews have 22%
of all Nobel prizes, 159, and the Greeks have ... 2!
Also, the Jews constitute just .25% of the world's population
and 2% of the US population.
Viva Zapata
That number translates into winning 40x more than should be expected
of them, simply based upon their small population numbers. In the end,
Jews still win more Nobel prizes in medicine and science than any
The arch Jew and mass murderer, Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize, so you
can shove that down your gob and pull it out your arse.
Post by d***@aol.com
other ethnicity. Economic jealousy has always fueled anti-Semitism.
Jews are still the wealthiest ethnic group in the US! Success breeds
envy. And Jews have been successful in a way that breeds jealousy. -D,
Not true! Why don't the Americans chase out the Japanese and Greeks as they
are the top 2 richest ethnicities there? Why don't other ethnicities get
chased out of other countries - in Europe you have Italians, Greeks in
northern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. You have Germans, English
and Scandinavians in southern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. Not
true what you say.
Post by d***@aol.com
NYC "One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is how
Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's population,
have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many different
fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business and
more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred
years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx;
Einstein plagiarised and was wrong anyway, Freud is very probably wrong,
look to Jung and Marx - well he is responsible for Jewish atrocities and
murders that number in the millions. If those 3 never existed the world
would be a far better place with 500 million more people, most of them

The only Jews that have done the most good are the Sephardic Jews - classic
example = Jesus Christ.
Post by d***@aol.com
all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most
less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an
amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the
centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of
families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the
Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world;
They went to other countries and raped them - classic example = USA -
nepotism, favouritism and obfuscation are their methods. Eg. the comedy
Seinfeld has an all Jew cast, in Friends, the Jewish powers wanted to
promote Kudrow over Aniston who was overwhelmingly more popular and won out
in the end. Can you imagine the uproar if Seinfeld was an all German cast,
or Italian, or Greek, or east Asian, or Polish?

Why did the Jews do this? I don't know. Could it be that they're white and
non-Christian in a Europe full of white Christians? Maybe?
Post by d***@aol.com
they were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO
(excerpt from "SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME")"
2004-06-04 22:05:59 UTC
Post by Dorian West
Post by d***@aol.com
other ethnicity. Economic jealousy has always fueled anti-Semitism.
Jews are still the wealthiest ethnic group in the US! Success breeds
envy. And Jews have been successful in a way that breeds jealousy. -D,>
Not true! Why don't the Americans chase out the Japanese and Greeks as they
are the top 2 richest ethnicities there? Why don't other ethnicities get
chased out of other countries - in Europe you have Italians, Greeks in
northern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. You have Germans, English
and Scandinavians in southern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. Not
true what you say.>
Jews are being chased out of America!? LOL! Dorian, did your Prozac
conk out on you again!? ehehee Lame brain, America gave the Jews more
than any other country in the world had ever given before. And in
giving, it in turn was blessed as no other nation on earth the talents
of a people waiting only for the freedom and the opportunity to
express themselves. Name a field and there were Jews in the forefront:
medicine and law, entertainment and literature, science and the arts,
politics and law, physics and philosophy, sports and humor - the list
goes on and on, and the books detailing the contributions of Jewish
legendary figures of American life run into the tens of thousands.
To do some justice to the incredible achievements of 2% of the
population of the United States to its culture and intellectual
vitality, the United States of America embraced a people that would
contribute greatly to its becoming the most blessed and most powerful
country on earth. Do you think it's just a coincidence that it had to
be a Jew, Irving Berlin, who was moved to write America's most beloved
anthem: "God Bless America!?" Coincidence that America is the most
powerful, influential & circumcised nation in the world? Coincidence
that the first person on Columbus's (of Sephardic-Jewish lineage)
voyage to set foot in America, happened to be a Marrano-Jew by the
name of Luis De Torres? Coincidence that Haym Salomon (appears on a
10-cent postage stamp) helped finance the American revolution, and was
responsible for creating one of the first modern-banking institutions
in America - The Bank of New York in 1784?! As Joe McCain (author,
lecturer, historian, brother of Senator John McCain) said in his The
Jews Will Not Go Quietly Again: "The modern United States, in spite of
itself, IS the United States in part because of its Jewish blood."
Hate to rain on your jealous parade, but it IS very true! Unlike your
truth, which is based on evil lies and the facilitation of hatred and
death against Jews. Dr. Thomas Sowell, an African-American economist
and senior fellow at the Hoover institute, created a point-scale index
that graphed Jewish economic success compared with that of other
ethnic groups, and found that Jews still have the highest earnings of
any ethnic group. Here's the confirmation link so you can rant & rave
again like the maniacal Aboriginal that you are (The Phenomenon Of The
Jews): http://home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/poj.htm -D, NYC "Here is
a great body of our Jewish citizens from whom have sprung men of
genius in every walk of our varied life; men who have conceived of its
ideals with singular clearness; and led enterprises with sprit &
sagacity...They are not Jews in America, they are American citizens" -
WOODROW WILSON (28th US President, 1913-1921)
Post by Dorian West
Post by d***@aol.com
NYC "One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is how
Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's population,
have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many different
fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business and
more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred
years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx;
Einstein plagiarised and was wrong anyway, Freud is very probably wrong,
look to Jung and Marx - well he is responsible for Jewish atrocities and
murders that number in the millions. If those 3 never existed the world
would be a far better place with 500 million more people, most of them
The only Jews that have done the most good are the Sephardic Jews - classic
example = Jesus Christ.
Post by d***@aol.com
all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most
less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an
amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the
centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of
families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the
Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world;
They went to other countries and raped them - classic example = USA -
nepotism, favouritism and obfuscation are their methods. Eg. the comedy
Seinfeld has an all Jew cast, in Friends, the Jewish powers wanted to
promote Kudrow over Aniston who was overwhelmingly more popular and won out
in the end. Can you imagine the uproar if Seinfeld was an all German cast,
or Italian, or Greek, or east Asian, or Polish?
Why did the Jews do this? I don't know. Could it be that they're white and
non-Christian in a Europe full of white Christians? Maybe?
Post by d***@aol.com
they were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO
(excerpt from "SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME")"
Dorian West
2004-06-06 12:42:22 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Dorian West
Post by d***@aol.com
other ethnicity. Economic jealousy has always fueled anti-Semitism.
Jews are still the wealthiest ethnic group in the US! Success breeds
envy. And Jews have been successful in a way that breeds
jealousy. -D,>
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by Dorian West
Not true! Why don't the Americans chase out the Japanese and Greeks as they
are the top 2 richest ethnicities there? Why don't other ethnicities get
chased out of other countries - in Europe you have Italians, Greeks in
northern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. You have Germans, English
and Scandinavians in southern Europe that are wealthier than the hosts. Not
true what you say.>
Jews are being chased out of America!? LOL! Dorian, did your Prozac
conk out on you again!? ehehee Lame brain, America gave the Jews more
than any other country in the world had ever given before. And in
This bit is right. You have taken more from the American people than any
other people in the world. The Americans were predominantly religious
refugees and a highly Christian nation and you have taken advantage of them.
You took control of their media (including the masters of pornography) and
financial institutions and you did this by nefarious means. You've raped
America and large tracts of it resemble the 3rd world. The docile Christian
population has been once again taken advantage of.

In no way do I advocate the "facilitation of hatred and death against Jews".
I merely wish to point out your methods, something which decent Jews do as
Post by d***@aol.com
giving, it in turn was blessed as no other nation on earth the talents
of a people waiting only for the freedom and the opportunity to
medicine and law, entertainment and literature, science and the arts,
politics and law, physics and philosophy, sports and humor - the list
goes on and on, and the books detailing the contributions of Jewish
legendary figures of American life run into the tens of thousands.
To do some justice to the incredible achievements of 2% of the
population of the United States to its culture and intellectual
vitality, the United States of America embraced a people that would
contribute greatly to its becoming the most blessed and most powerful
country on earth. Do you think it's just a coincidence that it had to
be a Jew, Irving Berlin, who was moved to write America's most beloved
anthem: "God Bless America!?" Coincidence that America is the most
powerful, influential & circumcised nation in the world? Coincidence
that the first person on Columbus's (of Sephardic-Jewish lineage)
voyage to set foot in America, happened to be a Marrano-Jew by the
name of Luis De Torres? Coincidence that Haym Salomon (appears on a
10-cent postage stamp) helped finance the American revolution, and was
responsible for creating one of the first modern-banking institutions
in America - The Bank of New York in 1784?! As Joe McCain (author,
lecturer, historian, brother of Senator John McCain) said in his The
Jews Will Not Go Quietly Again: "The modern United States, in spite of
itself, IS the United States in part because of its Jewish blood."
Hate to rain on your jealous parade, but it IS very true! Unlike your
truth, which is based on evil lies and the facilitation of hatred and
death against Jews. Dr. Thomas Sowell, an African-American economist
and senior fellow at the Hoover institute, created a point-scale index
that graphed Jewish economic success compared with that of other
ethnic groups, and found that Jews still have the highest earnings of
any ethnic group. Here's the confirmation link so you can rant & rave
again like the maniacal Aboriginal that you are (The Phenomenon Of The
Jews): http://home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/poj.htm -D, NYC "Here is
a great body of our Jewish citizens from whom have sprung men of
genius in every walk of our varied life; men who have conceived of its
ideals with singular clearness; and led enterprises with sprit &
sagacity...They are not Jews in America, they are American citizens" -
WOODROW WILSON (28th US President, 1913-1921)
Post by Dorian West
Post by d***@aol.com
NYC "One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is how
Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's population,
have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many different
fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business and
more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred
years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx;
Einstein plagiarised and was wrong anyway, Freud is very probably wrong,
look to Jung and Marx - well he is responsible for Jewish atrocities and
murders that number in the millions. If those 3 never existed the world
would be a far better place with 500 million more people, most of them
The only Jews that have done the most good are the Sephardic Jews - classic
example = Jesus Christ.
Post by d***@aol.com
all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most
less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an
amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the
centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of
families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the
Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world;
They went to other countries and raped them - classic example = USA -
nepotism, favouritism and obfuscation are their methods. Eg. the comedy
Seinfeld has an all Jew cast, in Friends, the Jewish powers wanted to
promote Kudrow over Aniston who was overwhelmingly more popular and won out
in the end. Can you imagine the uproar if Seinfeld was an all German cast,
or Italian, or Greek, or east Asian, or Polish?
Why did the Jews do this? I don't know. Could it be that they're white and
non-Christian in a Europe full of white Christians? Maybe?
Post by d***@aol.com
they were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet
their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished
people per capita that the world has ever produced." - MARLON BRANDO
(excerpt from "SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME")"
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